Today's Topics: "Captive" help 386 emulator for ST 386SX emulation (was RE: IBM emulation) Advice about MiNT Aladin Arcgsh 4.0 Atarians! Where Are You?! Atari ST monitors for sale/wanted; modems & monitors for sale Complete Atari Mega-2 System for Sale! Darn brevity Finishing Dungeon Master (2 msgs) Hyperformat disk on a PC I cant get Zoo to work! Need help with Manager New 14" mono monitor Repost of my plea for help Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras) (2 msgs) TurboAss What to do? Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Jan 92 07:53:49 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: "Captive" help To: In Captive, some of the wall sections are mounted on "rollers", and can be pushed out of the way... Butre has one such wall section in the "entryway"... check the documentaion (such as it is) to see how to push a wall section... Examine the bottom edge of the walls to find the rollers... BobR ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 12:14:21 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!phigate!alp! (John Janssen) Subject: 386 emulator for ST To: In september last year, Vortex has launched their 386SX emulator for MEGA STE only. Last night I saw an add for the Vortex emulators and they noted that they had a 386SX emulator for ST and MEGA ST aswell. As told before it does run DOS5.0 and windows3.0 etc.. John -- -- John Janssen Email: The Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 10:59:28 GMT From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!wupost!!!!ma ilgzrz!! (Gregor-Sebastian Mischke) Subject: 386SX emulation (was RE: IBM emulation) To: well, I'm a user of an AT-Speed(producer: SACK-Electronics) with an C286-Processor on it. Yes, there are no slots available an this board, and there's also no memory on it, but the ST-ram is fully used via XMA memory-access. the BIOS is able to show MONO-VGA, MONO-EGA, AT&T(640x400) monochrom, and CGA/MGA, at a cpu-speed of 16MHz, which is about a Norton-Index of 8.2. And the most important thing is, almost every software runs. The support is a little lossy, but the manual make the board easy to install upon your 68000 CPU. There is a product having the same technical facts(286, 16MHz, 68k-hookup, ST-memory-access,....) from VORTEX, and there is also a board containing a 386sx cpu . this board brings full 386(will mean protected) mode, XMA, EMS is supported, windows runs fully in protected mode, VGA, EGA, AT&T, CGA and as a option 512k fast-ram on board for full 32bit bus-access. without fastram there's a NI from about 9.2 to 10.3, having fastram installed, it is 15.2. And looking at thhe dollar-table, in this moment $1.00 costs about DM 1.60, it will be about 500 to 600 USDollars. But, living in germany, I really don't know whether there is a distributor in the United States. Just ask your local compu-shop, or directly to HEIM-VERLAG, Heidelberger Landstrasse , W-???? Heidelberg, Germany Sorry, I just don't know the ZIP-code, look it up in a magazine, The Supercharger is a PC-Clone developed by Bela-Systems, using an own mainboard with own Ram-proms, and it contains about 3 slots for PC-cartridges, as VGA or anything else; you can use both, PC and TRARARI simultanously, and it is connected to your ATARI's DMA port. you may get info contacting to SIEMENS, I think, they got the manufacturing police. Hope, this helps Gregor -- Gregor Mischke Internet: Techn. Universitaet Berlin FB Informatik ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 04:53:17 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!tamsun!tamuts!n160ao@ (Mark Lehmann) Subject: Advice about MiNT To: I want to delve into MiNT. What version should I install? Where should I get installation instructions? What I am hoping that I will gain with MiNT is the ability to do file transfer in the background while I use the computer in the foreground. What is a good "C" and "C++" to use under MiNT? I have Sozobon and Laser C. Do any MiNT users use TeX and LaTeX? If so, what version of TeX do you use under MiNT? Thanks much. Mark Lehmann!n160ao ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 06:37:33 GMT From: mcsun!unido!uniol!!! (Thomas Quester) Subject: Aladin To: iu> |> 1) Does anyone know where i can find a Mac program that iu> |> can force a Mac to write a disk in Aladin format? You can force a Mac to write a DOS disk. Threre a 2 programs available to do this job: Access PC and DOS mounter. A DOS-Disk under DOS mounter behaves just like a Mac-disk. If it is possible to install one of these programs on aladin, it should'nt be a problem to excange disk's with a mac. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 13:47:47 GMT From: mcsun!unido!fbi-news!heike! (Rainer Klute) Subject: Arcgsh 4.0 To: ARCGSH 4.0 (Archiver GEM Shell) for Atari ST ============================================ Arcgsh 4.0, the Archiver GEM Shell for Atari ST, is available now. You can get it by anonymous FTP from; the file name is arcgsh40.zoo in the /atari/archivers directory. Alternatively you can wait until it appears in the newsgroups Arcgsh is a GEM shell that eases the use of the most popular archiving programs for the Atari ST (arc, lharc, shar, tar, and zoo). Furthermore the programs compress, uud, and uue are supported. The most important enhancement with respect to the previous release 3.5 are as follows: - The most recent zoo version 2.1 with its `high performance compression' is supported. By this considerably higher packing rates can be achieved. - The archiver tar is supported. - The compression program compress is supported. - The lharc interface has been improved considerably. Now Arcgsh can be configured to work together with any lharc variant. - In addition to the english manual there is also a german one now. Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute Univ. Dortmund, IRB klute@unido.bitnet Postfach 500500 |)|/ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663 D-W4600 Dortmund 50 |\|\ Fax : +49 231 755-2386 ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jan 92 23:55:27 GMT From:!tmpmbx!! (Techno) Subject: Atarians! Where Are You?! To: ['Atari is dead' postings deleted] Here in Germany we have a proverb stating "Those said to be dead live the longest." That says it all. Now stop this senseless flamings, Amiga kids. Techno -- | ||| Please do not e-mail from outside Germany ! | | / | \ Hardcore ST user ! ====================== | | Nothing that's real is ever for free, you just have to pay for it sometime. | | (Al Stewart) | Hi ! I'm a .signature virus. Join the fun and copy me into your .signature ! ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 05:29:43 GMT From: psinntp!ultb!ultb! (C.L. Freemesser) Subject: Atari ST monitors for sale/wanted; modems & monitors for sale To: Wanted: Atari SM124 or SM125 monochrome monitor. Must be in GOOD WORKING CONDITON. Willing to pay a REASONABLE price for it, or will trade for it with some of the below equipment (and cash, where applicable). For sale: Atari SC1224 color monitor. Analog RGB, can be used on both an Atari ST and any Amiga (with the proper cable). Manufactured in 1987. Goldstar variation. Monitor is in PERFECT working condition. Asking $190 or best offer. I will not sell this monitor until I have obtained an SM124 or SM125 monochrome monitor. If you've been looking to upgrade to a color monitor and have a monochrome you might want to involve in a trade, this may be your chance! Magnavox RGB Monitor 80. This monitor accepts both digital RGB and color composite signals, and has a front switch so you can go between them on the fly. Looks to be about a 13 inch screen. Has sound capability (RCA jack input). In very good condition. I used this monitor in composite mode on my Amiga until I got an analog RGB monitor for it. You can hook up such things as an IBM computer (with CGA card), VCR, Nintendo, Atari XL/XE and Commodore 64/128. Asking $110 or best offer. Owner's manual is included so you can make specialty cables for the RGB port. BMI monochrome monitor. A little old, but works just fine. Green phosphor display, no sound. Ideal for use on older computers like the Apple II series (which did not require sound). RCA jack for video input. $25 or best offer. Zenith Data Systems 2400 baud modem. Only used a few hours. This is a "standard" modem, with Hayes compatibility and a size that fits easily under a telephone. Has the standard 8 LEDs on the front, with power switch on back. $75 or best offer. Microcom AX/2400C modem. This is a 2400 baud modem featuring MNP levels 1-5. Microcom invented MNP, and now you can have a real Microcom modem! It's been on my BBS for about 3 months, but since I don't run a BBS anymore, I'd like to sell this modem. It's got lots of dip switches to set just about everything. Both asynchronous and syncronous operation with a front switch. There is also a "talk/data" button on the front, along with 7 LEDs. Owner's manual is included. This modem features both full Hayes compatibility and Microcom's own protocol. $100 or best offer. If interested in anything here, contact me via one of the below methods. _______________________________________________________________________ || Chris Freemesser, RIT Comp.Eng.Tech. I'd rather have a bottle || || BITNET: clf3678@ritvax in front of me..... || || Usenet: .....than have a frontal || || GEnie: C.FREEMESSER L O B O T O M Y ! ! ! || ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 06:38:26 GMT From:!oz! (Keith Mullins) Subject: Complete Atari Mega-2 System for Sale! To: The following system is for sale: Atari Mega-2 ST w/ 3.5 floppy Monocrome Monitor Colour Monitor Monitor Master Acex 2400 baud Modem (Hayes Comp) Supra Hard drive (30 megs) Golden Image Mouse w/ pad Various software I'm asking $900 for the system but will consider any reasonable offer. I will pay shipping if the system is bought at the original price. Keith J. Mullins ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 03:18:14 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!usc!rpi!!bonnie.concordia .ca!IRO.UMontreal.CA!JSP.UMontreal.CA! (Kosmatos Odisseas) Subject: Darn brevity To: In article <1992Jan20.213826.28501@wpi.WPI.EDU> jdutka@wpi.WPI.EDU (John Dutka) writes: >In article <> (Carl Kreider) writes: >>Getting whacked by Amiga lovers leads me to clarify this. A good 68030 >>design (HP/Apollo) seems to be able to run 350 dhrystones per MHZ of clock >>(i.e. 7000 dhrystones at 20MHZ and 17500 drystones at 50MHZ. Next gets 280 >>drys/MHZ, which is still good. The Amiga 3000 gets 120 drys/MHZ. These > >Well, my 3000-25 (nocache noburst) gets 6400 dhrystones, so 6400/25=256 >drys/MHz, quite close to the NeXT. That number would be higher if I was using >burst mode and cache on, and not running the term program and text editor. >Just wanted to clarify things... Are you trying to say that your Amiga 3000-25 is faster or even close the speed of a 68040-25 NeXT? Obviously, either the numbers presented above are wrong or unfair (which it seems so to me), or the NeXT has a bad design. Why dont you turn your cache and burst mode on? Crashes? >-- >| John Dutka | WSU Term #10: Linear Momentum. Unit: The CowHit (CH): | >|| 1 CH = the linear momentum of the average cow. | -- Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in das pockets, relaxen und vatch das blinkenlights!!! ------------- :-) ------ ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 11:34:20 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!sersun1! (Oke S) Subject: Finishing Dungeon Master To: I finished Dungeon Master with only one character a couple of years ago. It took me about a week, playing 1- 1.5 hours a day. The character I used, incidentally, was Elija. What do other netters think of my choice of character? Simon. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 14:39:23 GMT From: tar (Tim Roeder) Subject: Finishing Dungeon Master To: In article , (Oke S) writes: > I finished Dungeon Master with only one character a couple of years ago. > It took me about a week, playing 1- 1.5 hours a day. The character I used, > incidentally, was Elija. What do other netters think of my choice of character? That's about the same amount of time it took him to finish. He played this past weekend, with a total of about 20 hours (realtime) to complete the game. Incidentally, he used Hawk as his character. Regards, -- Timothy A. Roeder Fidonet: Timothy Roeder 1:300/24 3551 S. San Joaquin Rd. Internet: Tucson, AZ 85746 (602) 578-9115 ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 10:58:29 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!! (Schaaf RF) Subject: Hyperformat disk on a PC To: I have been using hyperformatted disks (11-sectors/track) ever since I bought Scheibenkleister. A few weeks ago I bought a PC and assumed the High density drive would be able to handle 11 sectors per track. I was wrong, I am unable to read the disks. Does anyone know whether it is possible to read Hyperformatted disk on a PC. The problem isn't DOS (PC-speed works fine with these disks), so what is the problem? I know this newsgroup probably isn't the right one to post a PC question, but I tried it in the PC groups but it seems noone even heard of Hyperformat... Thanks, Richard Schaaf ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 09:30:00 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!actrix!Alex.Valde (Alex Valdez) Subject: I cant get Zoo to work! To: In article thelake! writes: > [In article <>, > ehohnbau@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU writes ... ] > > > After I click on zoo.ttp and the the parameter box I tried: > > > > x zooboy.zoo > > x zooboy > > x [aA]:[\] zooboy[.zoo] > > In other words, I tried both with and without the .zoo extender > > on every other option, and I tried both upper and lower case on the > > drive option, and with and without the backslash. > > .. > > You didn't mention what model of ST or what version of TOS you're using. > >From your description, I'll bet lunch that the TOS version is < 1.4. > Old TOS converts .TTP arguments to upper case. That won't work with > ZOO. (If you were using a command interpreter shell, such as Gulam or > Mupfel, you would not have a problem.) > .. Or you can use the 'novice' command set, which isn't case sensitive. I believe the command to extract is -extract i.e. type -extract zooboy in the parameter box. BTW, I am not particularly impressed with ZOOBOY. You're better off using a CLI, say, Gulam. (That's only my opinion, of course. Feel free to disagree.) -- ================================Alex Valdez============================= ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jan 92 04:57 EST From: Subject: Need help with Manager To: Looks like the latest Mint has broken the handy utility known as Manager. Manager was my favorite Mint program. I hope there is a fix soon, or I hope I am mistaken. It's that after a few seconds in the Manager environment the system totally freezes, but whn I go back tio Mint08 or Mint07, everything is OK. Does anyone have a fix for this? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Jan 92 13:30:30 WET From: Ian C McCall Subject: New 14" mono monitor To: I don't often post to here very much anymore, but I noticed people saying that the new monitor was 'out soon'. Well, I was working in a computer shop over the Christmas holidays, and we had one in and sold it straight away. So I assume in the UK it's available already. I didn't actually get to see the picture, but the construction looked OK. A bit of an 'old-fashioned' feel to it somehow, but generally fine. I would critise the base, however. The built-in plinth was quite definitely bowed under the weight of the monitor it was designed to support. Not very reassuring, really... Cheers, Ian ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 04:04:08 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!usc!rpi!!samsung!umich!terminator!terminator! (Jeff Weiner) Subject: Repost of my plea for help To: Hi everyone, this is a repost from last week. Fred (our archive administrator) suggested I repost it, so here it is. Please consider my request and reply if you feel you can. Thanks, weiner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As some of you may know, I'll be graduating this May. When I was filling out grad school applications, the idea for a recommendation from the usenet atari community as a whole crossed my mind as something that would be pretty interesting (especially considering how much time I spend with doing archive related stuff :) ). With this in mind, please consider writing a brief note, saying what you think my chances for to complete a graduate degree in statistics are. I realize this is quite difficult, but there are some aspects of my work that some of you have certainly had contact with, such as my organizational skills, my writing ability (Remember the ftp guide, etc.), my teaching ability (ever try to help someone set up gnu c over email, a question at a time?), and so on. Here's how we've set this up to work: 1. You decide you'd like to help me out. You then send a brief not to Fred Swartz, the archive administrator, who has agreed to accept letters. His address is 2. Fred will collect them, print them out, and enclose them in the sealed envelope. I will NOT see these, unless you specifically state that you'd like me to in your letter. 3. Fred will vouch for the authenticity of the e-mail, and sign all the forms. That's really about it. Hopefully, admissions committees will look at this as something original and then with this and everything else admit me to their graduate program in statistics. For the record, I'm currently interested in U of Washington, U of Minnesota, U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Carnegie-Mellon. There is a number of other schools that I am considering applying to also, but for now these four are it. I'd like to thank all of you who reply, it really means a lot to me. weiner -- Jeff Weiner --- --- Umich atari posse Corner of Packard and State, 2nd house from Blue Front on Arbor 718 Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, +1 313 998 0892, near the Univ. of Michigan ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 10:14:51 GMT From: mcsun!!sunic!dkuug!daimi! (Christian Lynbech) Subject: Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras) To: writes: >In article , (Steve Yelvington) writes: >> [In article <>, >> (The Fightin' Llama) writes ... ] >> ... >> > Which is going to be the new Sozo "standard"? >> >> I expect both to be around for awhile, with descendants that probably >> will diverge. ... >Chris. To me it seems that V1.33i really only needs the extended object format to be everything V2.0 is (plus some extras, primarily in speed). Is this correct, and if so, could we expect somebody to port this too? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Lynbech DAIMI office: R0.32 phone: 5034 University of Aarhus,DK-Denmark email: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELLO, I'm a signature virus! Join in the fun and copy me into yours! ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 13:16:11 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!warwick!nott-cs! (`Grave' Dave Gymer) Subject: Sozobon 1.33i vs. Sozobon 2.0 (extras) To: In article <> (Christian Lynbech) writes: >[...] >To me it seems that V1.33i really only needs the extended object format to be >everything V2.0 is (plus some extras, primarily in speed). What about source? I can't use binaries compiled with dLibs, as they crash under MiNT.I installed 2.0 for a laugh by compiling under the GCC as the "UNIX"-hosted cross-compiler version (GCC on my ST, that is). -- `Grave' Dave Gymer | "When your problems seem like mountains, 42 St Mary's Park, | You feel the need to find some answers, Louth, Lincs, | You can leave them for another day, LN11 0EF, ENGLAND | Don't try so hard." - Queen ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Jan 92 12:21:00 MEZ From: PHSTUD9%DKNKURZ1.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: TurboAss To: One possibility to have the debugger resident in memory is to run bugaboo.prg, then to quit it by typing RESIDENT. TurboAss will recognize the bugaboo hanging around in your memory ... BTW: Think about the shareware fees, even proggers have to eat. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jan 92 09:18:35 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!donau! (C. van Reeuwijk) Subject: What to do? To: In <1992Jan20.061956.5302@atari.uucp> kbad@atari.uucp (Ken Badertscher) writes: > (Keith Sommerville) writes: [Thing about difference between 40 megabytes stated and 48.5 megabytes actual.] >I confess! > >It's a conspiracy by Atari to steal 8.5 megabytes from you. >You caught us red handed. Boy, it's a good thing those nice ICD people >are around, or Atari could have stolen millions of megabytes from TT >hard disks all over the world. Darn them, anyhow. [And so on..] > > ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad) > ||| Atari Corp. System Software Engine > / | \ #include Boy, Ken is a brave man if I've ever seen one. Not a SINGLE smiley in the entire post. :-) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C. van Reeuwijk e-mail: Delft University of Technology Phone: +15-781429 Dep. of Electronic Engineering Telefax: +15-785922 Mekelweg 4 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************